Top of Mind


Rest and Reset 

Rest and Reset 

By Crown Affair

From the planning and booking, to the exploring and relaxing, summer travel is exhilarating and sometimes a little draining. After spending time away from home, the adjustment back into everyday life can be a little strange. We’ve got you—here’s how to ease into it:


Take it slow—don’t rush! You’re either dreading or itching to get back into your regular routine, but either way, make sure you’re giving yourself the time you need to ease back in. Instead…


Lean into little rituals, such as your haircare or skincare routine. These might seem obvious, and you may have been keeping up with them on your trip, but rejoice in the full-size, larger than 3.4 ounce bottles and the comfort of your own shower. Take the time to do a face or hair mask (may we suggest The Renewal Mask?), that you can leave on for 20 minutes while you decompress. Then…


Do small things that remind you of the trip, and how it shaped you. While you’re returning home to familiarity, know that a part of yourself will be forever impacted by the experience. Put souvenirs in places you’ll see them—a postcard on the fridge, a seashell on your windowsill—or learn how to make one of the dishes you ate and loved while away.