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Rituals with... Samantha Furno

Rituals with... Samantha Furno

By Crown Affair

Palm trees, sunsets, delicate jewelry, and enviable outfits—Samantha Furno basically has the Instagram of our dreams. In real life, she's even more inspiring. After months of virtual admiration, we asked Samantha to let us in on her inspirations, personal journey toward loving her hair, and all the daily rituals she's leaning into right now.
Rituals with... Samantha Furno
Rituals with... Samantha Furno

- Where do you live?

West Hollywood

- What do you do?

Product photographer for fashion companies and style blogger 

- How would you describe your hair?

Long, blonde, and finally healthy thanks to quarantine! :)

- How does your hair make you feel?

My hair makes me feel happy! It is super low maintenance and I like to leave it pretty undone giving me those effortless vibes. :)

Rituals with... Samantha Furno

- Have you always felt this way about your hair or has it changed over time?

No I haven’t! I used to be incredibly hot and cold with my hair. I was constantly cutting it, growing it out and dying it odd colors (I even dyed it blue once!) because I had difficulty finding a style/cut/color that truly felt like ‘me.’

- What is your current haircare routine?

Currently, I wash my hair 3 times a week and use my CA leave in conditioner once a week. I also always make sure to brush my hair before bed and sleep with it in a side braid (with my CA silk scrunchie) to keep my hair from breaking while I sleep. 

- What daily rituals (outside of haircare) do you lean into the most? 

Outside of haircare, the daily rituals that I lean into the most revolve around my health. Recently I’ve been incorporating more meditation and pilates into my daily life and both of these rituals are definitely making me feel more at peace throughout the day!

Rituals with... Samantha Furno
Rituals with... Samantha Furno

- How have your rituals changed since stay-at-home began?

I’ve had way more time to reflect on my day to day routine since stay at home began. This has allowed me to truly figure out what works for me and what doesn’t when it comes to my routine! Since stay-at-home began, I’ve been spending more time outside each day and I am loving it. So if I can sneak in a morning run or enjoy my cup of coffee outside on the balcony, I’m a happy girl!